Our Order / Reorder Process


Plan ahead - Nothing is as it was prior to COVID!
Our goal is to process your order as efficiently as possible!
We would appreciate your business! - Please let us go to work for you!

Our Online Order Process has been Streamlined and Carefully Designed for Security!
The questions we ask are Specific and can only be answered by an authorized person. Therefore, Maximizing Security while Creating Authenticity to your order.

Online ordering made easy with a common sense approach!
Every online option is a question and for every question we give the answer or a text area to provide the answer. We offer 2 types of orders Reorder with this company and New Order. Note: Reorders with changes are New Orders.

Privacy and Security:
For security reasons we do not retain credit card, login and password information. If you need to make changes to your online account, please make these changes while at login.

Order comments:
Can be seen via your online receipt and at login when clicking on (View Details). Order comments takes place after the order has been received “and only if additional information is needed to process your order”. You will know when this takes place, we will send you 3 online receipts back to back, if no additional information is needed what we have just said will not take place. If additional information is needed it will look like this on the online receipt and it starts with YOUR NAME, See “Order Comments” below, that is if additional information is needed to process your order. .......Otherwise Thank you, your order has been received.

How to receive reorder discounts and see order status:
Creating authenticity starts here! 1) Login and Create Account. 2) Place all orders at login using the same account, changes can be made to your account at any time. When following 1) and 2) creates order history and your imprint "Is Accessible".

When 1) and 2) are not followed, for security reasons your imprint "Is Not Accessible" for reorder.

Following 1) and 2) adds security/creates authenticity to online ordering and helps prevent unauthorized purchases to your account in the event someone gets a hold of your confidential information. That won’t happen here, so please keep your confidential information to a limited few person(s) and in a safe place.

Reorder Requirements 1-6 below are required: (please NOTE number 7)
When following the online order process. 1) No Changes Accepted. 2) This attached sample must be free and clean of any messages etc.. 3) The complete sample is required top to bottom left to right, front side of the document only and in pdf or jpg format. 4) No reorder forms as this is being phased out. 5) If you are attempting to make changes by adding instructions/text to your previously printed sample this order is a New Order Not a Reorder. 6) This order will be processed/printed as a reorder. 7) NOTE: Reorders 3-4 years of age are still treated as reorders, however we may need to reenter these orders as new orders and you may see differences because of software updates etc.  

When supplying an attached logo:
This is required on New Orders and New Orders with changes in pdf or jpg format only.

Reasons for declined/voided/refunded orders:
Please see Order comments mentioned above.

Let's Get Started:
Simply follow the online options and the red arrows with blue type next to the options and make your selection, now that's online ordering made easy and at the same time providing the utmost security to your online ordering! It’s just that simple! .

Maximize Online Security / Creating Authenticity, it’s all up to you!
Helping us to help you to receive the Maximum Online Security / Creating Authenticity when following our online process and the steps outlined above! ”It’s all about security!

Those that have viewed this page may want to visit these pages here > Production Times > Frequently Asked Questions

“Our prices reflect you’re not paying for those who haven’t.”
Thank You!

SHIPS FREE - Shipping from 15 states with 23 locations
Many see a value in what we offer, we hope you will too!

Visit our RESALE PROGRAM / TRADE PRINTER on the left side under the title MORE INFORMATION

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